Category: WordPress

How Display Custom Post Type in WordPress Divi Theme

Divi theme is a good theme for WordPress developers with some design sense. Using pre-build modules we are capable of creating any type of wordpress websites with different type of sections and designs. In this post we are discussing how to use Custom Post Type in Divi theme. But the issues is that this theme

8 Must Have WordPress Plugins for 2016 (WP Expert Choice)

1. Jetpack by One of the best WordPress plug-ins for many reasons. First of all, downloaders get informed about the number of visits their site has and they can also increase their visits by using some tools offered like Publicize and Related Posts. Not only that, but it also provides protection from hackers as

8 Must have WordPress Plugins for 2018

In This post we are exploring basic details of 8 best wordpress plugins. 1. Jetpack by One of the best WordPress plug-ins for many reasons. First of all, downloaders get informed about the number of visits their site has and they can also increase their visits by using some tools offered like Publicize and

Display Related Post or Product based on Taxonomy in WordPress

Related post display in for custom post type is very easy. But if you have a custom taxonomy it is little tricky. You can use the following code to display related post from a post type. This code very useful to display related product while you are using custom taxonomy. <?php // get the custom

How to get Facebook likes count of a page using Graph API 2.8 Ver

This is an updated and working code snippet which can be used to retrieve Facebook like count of a specific page. To use this code snippet you’ll need a Facebook App ID and Secret Key. This use latest 2.8 API version method. Step 1:  Go to login with your facebook account. If you don’t have

How t create a WordPress Short Code to display latest post from a post type

Its not very hard to create a short code. WordPress have inbuilt api to create shortcode. We are mainly using add_shortcode  function to create a short code in wordpress. The usage of this function is add_shortcode(‘ApartmentList’, ‘recent_appartment_function’); Where the ApartmentList is the short code we are using inside our pages or posts we can use it like [ApartmentList] In